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13 Military-Grade Wipe Down Fluid Tests that Kensington Products Are Subjected To

  • května 27, 2021

Kensington Washable Keyboard

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, offices are exploring ways to stop the spread of the deadly virus and keep their workforce safe.

Most offices, if not all, resort to sanitizing their workplace and include the sanitization of office equipment in their cleaning checklists. Many businesses are teaching their employees how to clean their computers, keyboards, and mouse, among others, using wipes or disinfectants.

Using certain chemicals to clean office equipment, tools, and other devices may also result in degradation or deterioration, depending on the materials they’re made of.

What is the New Wipe-Down Claim on Kensington Products?

At Kensington, we are aware of the concerns of our customers. This is why we’ve subjected many of our products to MIL-STD 810H Method 504.3 Contamination by Fluids testing. You can see all of the tested and approved products.

Through such tests, Kensington can assure our users that the specific keyboards, mice, wrist rests, and other accessories tested are safe to wipe down. This means you will not see any degradation or deterioration on the equipment.

What does no degradation or deterioration mean?

  • No visual defects
  • No material degradation
  • No discoloration
  • No cracks
  • No impact on use or function of the product

What is MIL-STD 810H Method 504.3 Contamination by Fluids?

MIL-STD simply stands for Military Standard. In the United States, these standards are enforced by the Department of Defense (DoD).

The MIL-STD 810H Method 504.3 Contamination by Fluids, meanwhile, is the latest version of the DoD standard that involves fluid contamination testing. The purpose of this test is to expose products to certain liquids and see the effects of contamination on such products if there is a good chance of fluid contamination during the life cycle of said products – such as keyboards, wrist rests, cases and other office equipment in Kensington’s case.

When you see that a product is MIL-STD 810H Method 504.3 Contamination by Fluids certified, this means you have a product that is durable, sustainable, and reliable. In fact, if items have passed such tests, those products are deemed fit for use by the military service.

How is the MIL-STD 810H Method 504.3 Contamination by Fluids Conducted?

The tests are performed by a certified laboratory in a contamination facility with a proper enclosure and temperature control systems.

There are several levels of exposure when doing MIL-STD 810H Method 504.3 Contamination by Fluids testing: occasional, intermittent, and extended contamination.

Kensington subjected our products to the extended contamination level of exposure to determine whether they can be labeled with wipe-down protection. The extended contamination test is the most stringent of the three exposure levels.  For the extended contamination test, a product is exposed continuously for at least 24 hours.

Below is the list of contamination fluids used for Kensington’s MIL-STD 810H Method 504.3 Contamination by Fluids:

  • Isopropyl alcohol (70%-75%)
  • Accelerated hydrogen peroxide (Oxivir or Alpha HP)
  • Orthophenylphenol (Amphyl, Reckitt Benckiser)
  • Ortho-benzyl-parachlorophenol (Clorox disinfectant cleaner, The Clorox Company)
  • Denatured alcohol (hand sanitizers with 60%-70% isopropyl/ethyl alcohol)
  • Lysol disinfectant
  • Sani-Cloth HB, Plus, and AF3
  • Super Sani-Cloth germ/disposable wipes
  • CaviWipes
  • Clorox Healthcare Bleach germicidal wipes
  • PDI Easy Screen cleaning pad (alcohol)
  • 409 antibacterial all-purpose cleaner
  • Windex electronic wipes

During the extended contamination test, the chemicals to be used are selected and the test items are prepared. The test item’s temperature is stabilized before the application of the fluid to its entire surface.

After the application, the item is allowed to drain naturally for five to ten minutes. The items are then monitored at temperature for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, the items are inspected for any degradation, and the results are recorded. If there are no issues, the test is finished. If the item fails the extended contamination test, a re-test is performed using intermittent exposure for eight hours.

All products tested passed the extended contamination exposure level. Therefore, the fluids and chemicals listed above are safe to use on wipe-down approved Kensington products.

4 Quick Tips to Sanitize Your Workspace

With tighter cleaning protocols, you can help slow or stop the spread of COVID-19 or other diseases by cleaning high-touch electronics and office equipment regularly. Here are some helpful cleaning tips:

1. How to Clean your Keyboard

To remove crumbs, hair, and other unpleasant things that might have fallen and become trapped in between and under the keys, shake the keyboard firmly above a trash can. You can also wipe it down with alcohol-based wipes or disinfectant wipes. Pay close attention to the individual keys, particularly the enter key, space bar, and other frequently used keys.

2. How to Clean Your Mouse

You can run a toothpick or any similar material along the crevices or gaps in your mouse to pick out any grime or dirt that might have built up. You can also wipe the surface with antibacterial wipes. Make sure you cover the whole area where your palm rests, as well as the right and left buttons of the mouse.

3. How to Clean Your Chair, Back Support, or Seat Cushion

To clean your office chair, back support, and other ergonomic additions, you can start by vacuuming them to get the loose dirt and other materials stuck on the fabric and creases. You can use a disinfectant wipe or cloth with alcohol to clean the back rest, arm rests, and levers of the chair for a quick wipe down.

4. How to Clean Your Office Phone

Before sanitizing your desk phone, make sure you unplug it. You can clean it with wipes or a cotton ball soaked in alcohol. Pay close attention to the mouthpiece, keypad, and handset.  You can also do the same with headphones if you use them at the office.

Ensure Cleanliness Without Worrying About Damaging Your Office Equipment

At Kensington, we understand the needs of the post-pandemic world. As businesses begin to employ hybrid work schedules and returns to the office are imminent, we want to assure you that our products remain durable and reliable even when exposed to specific cleaning agents.

You can check your Kensington products’ manuals and support document to find products labeled with the Wipe-Down Protection seal. Feel free to contact us if you have questions.