Stacja dokująca SD4839P, USB-C bez sterowników

Stacja dokująca SD4839P, USB-C bez sterowników

Konstrukcja 9 w 1 z czterema portami USB

Uniwersalna zgodność z Windows

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  • Brak sugestii

Studio Caddy on desk, computer with a K angle background-image.
Studio Caddy on desk, computer with a K angle background-image.

K-Angle, Icons, and Illustrations

To give the brand a unique and professional appearance this guideline on our K-Angle, icons, and illustrations will help to create a consistent and recognizable look and feel for icons and illustrations. This guide will also be updated to give more guidance on how to build them in order to achieve an overall consistent feel.

Collage of Kensington icons and illustrations.
Collage of Kensington icons and illustrations.


K-Angle explained.
K-Angle explained.
Header example with angle.

Header example with angle

Flags with angle in use.

Flags with angle in use

Woman speaking on the phone with transparent angle on image.

Don’t use transparent angles on images.

Woman presenting on computer with wrong angle usage.

Don’t use wrong angles. Stick with the 52°.

StudioDock on desk image with K angle on the left side

Don’t use the angle on the left side.

Icons Overview and Sizes

Download Icons

Icon specs for designers.

There are two groups of icons: system (lo-fi) and mid-render. They go from little detail to very detailed, respectively, and are used for various sizes and purposes, defined in the graphic. To ensure the best quality, web files should be SVG, and print files should be vectors.

Pixel dimensions for icons.

Building system (lo-fi) and mid-render icons

To build a system (lo-fi) and mid-render icon, you need to reduce the meaning of it to its minimal form. Make sure to use a 1px stroke. To avoid distorting an icon, position icons “on pixel” by making the X and Y coordinate into integers, without decimals. All corners and stroke endings have a rounding.

System (lo-fi) and Mid-render Icons

System and lo-fi icons

System (or lo-fi) icons are used to help navigate Kensington’s digital channels. The design is simple and modern. Each icon is reduced to its minimal form and every metaphor distilled to its essence. In size, they range from around 16px to 32px.

System and lo-fi icons examples.

Mid-render icons

Mid-render icons are more detailed and can be used to guide your way to our products and services. In size, they range from around 36px to 64px. Both system and mid-render icons can be used on different branded color backgrounds and come in three colors (black, white, and blue). If recoloring the backgrounds for an icon, please make sure that the background contrast is high, as shown in the examples below.

Mid-render icons examples.


The illustration style is based on the hi-fi icons style in a bit more decorative and advanced way. For the background, the K-Angle is used as an abstract element to give the illustration a world to live in. This element can be more or less complex depending on how busy the illustration is. The illustrations should describe the situation well and serve as an additional tool if no suitable photographic solution is available.

Download Illustrations

Illustration instructions for designers.
Illustration instructions for designers.

Creating illustrations

The elements in the illustrations evolve from the icons but are more advanced and can be more organic. Other than the icons, illustrations can have different perspectives but shouldn’t feel too overwhelming since they should explain a situation as simply as possible. The background elements are built with the 52-degree angle and are filled with gray color gradients transitioning to 0% opacity. The background elements can be used as an abstract space where the illustration can live on. For example, an illustration with smaller and/or more detailed elements can be reduced to two background elements. Exceptions can be made for background usage if, for example, in a full-width video, the background angles aren’t compatible with the background image or color.

People in illustration.

People in illustration

Neutral version

Home office situations.

Home office situations

Neutral version

Kensington products on desk.

Desktop from a topview

Neutral version

Kensington Brand Center

These guidelines are for anyone building Kensington marketing assets, so that we can ensure brand consistency and maintain a strong brand across all properties. Please email any issues to Kensington Global Marketing: